
You can find the current call for papers here.

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Die Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 39

Die Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 38


Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 37 


Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 36 is available since Winter 2019


Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 35 is available since October 2018

Bernadette Fruehmann, Federica Cappa, Wilfried Vetter, Manfred Schreiner,
Heinz Miklas, Claudia Rapp, Fabian Hollaus, Robert Sablatnig

DIE BURG LAA AN DER THAYA. Wehranlage, Repräsentationsbau, Museum
und Wohnhaus - erforscht und dokumentiert
THE CASTLE AT LAA AN DER THAYA. Fortress, mansion,
museum and residence – explored and documented
Maria Brand, Oliver Fries, Alexandra Sagmeister, Magdalena Schindler, Linda Wenzel

SALZEXTRAKTION. Physikalische Eigenschaften und praktische
Anwendung systematisch entwickelter Kompressenrezepturen
Physical properties and practical application of
systematically developed poultice formulations
Johanna Flaschberger, Johannes Weber, Wolfgang Baatz, Beate Sipek

u. Vergleich proteinischer Klebemittel für die Konservierung
Examination and comparison of protein glues used in conservation
Eva Hottenroth, Katja Sterflinger, Václav Pitthard, Alfred Vendl,
Karl Zojer, Leopold Puchinger, Renate Paltram

POLYVINYLBUTYRAL. Zusammensetzung, Eigenschaften und Geschichte
der Anwedung in der Konservierung und Restaurierung
POLYVINYL BUTYRAL. Composition, properties and history of use in
conservation and restoration
Evgeniia Sannikova

TITANWEISS UND ZINKWEISS. Optische und strukturelle Veränderungen
ausgewählter Tubenfarben bei künstlicher Alterung
TITANIUM WHITE AND ZINC WHITE. Visual and structural changes in selected
tube paints after artificial aging
Ana Stefaner, Tatjana Bayerova, Gabriela Krist

Matthijs de Keijzer

GUT BEHÜTET. Konservierung und Restaurierung von einem Zweispitz mit
Hutkoffer aus der Franzensburg im Schlosspark Laxenburg
WELL PROTECTED. Conservation and restoration of a bicorn and its hat box
from the Franzensburg in the Laxenburg Castle Gardens
Ava Hermann, Tanja Kimmel, Gabriela Krist



Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 34 is available since March 2017





Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 33 is available since January 2016


Preface 10
Paul-Bernhard Eipper

News from IIC Austria 14
Vorstand / Executive Board IIC Austria

Interdisciplinary approach in the conservation of cultural heritage 22
Patricia Engel, Harald Riedl

Originals, copies and fakes 42
Paul-Bernhard Eipper

The Synergy of a multidisciplinary approach for studying The Last Judgement
by Rogier van der Weyden and Hans Memling from the National Gallery in Gdansk 78
Iwona Szmelter

Pulpit altars in Silesia, state of preservation and technological examination 94
Karolina Rajna

Building Climates in Museums – A Lifetime Learning Process 112
Jochen Käferhaus

Stopping mass decay of written heritage – An interdisciplinary approach 127
Lunjakorn Amornkitbamrung, Tamilselvan Mohan, Silvo Hribernik, Rupert Kargl, Volker Ribitsch, Patricia

Unknown Stove Tiles from Dobre Miasto. An Analysis of the Collection in the Light of
Conservation and Restoration Work 147
Jacek Martusewicz

Do you want to save? Media Art demands a transdisciplinary approach to conservation 165
Wendy Coones

A short review of the EwaGlos EU project 178
Angela Weyer

Recycling in the Rococo: From copper printing plate to painting supports 191
Paul-Bernhard Eipper; Joachim Rathgeb; Gerhard Paar

book reviews 204
Manfred Koller, Paul-Bernhard Eipper

Obituaries 207

The authors 211

Ads 221


Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation 32


Previous Publications

Restauratorenblätter 31
Reflexionen / Reflections
Für / to Manfred Koller

Manfred Koller retired after 3 decades of service as chair of IIC Austria. The board of trustees, headed by the new chair Gabriela Krist, therefore decided to dedicate this issue of Restauratorenblätter to him. After discussion, Manfred Koller presented us with a list – “Koller’s List”: a list of wishes or letter to Father Christmas, which transformed itself into this issue and should be regarded as a gift to Manfred Koller. The list consisted of names of valued colleagues predominantly from abroad, which were supposed to provide authorships. Topics should be various: a professional overview, a former research question probably solved meanwhile or simply a shared professional passion. Articles demonstrate Manfred Koller’s input to further research and new initiatives in the world of conservation. There is also a remarkable insight into Manfred Koller’s life, provided by a personal interview, held to celebrate this issue.

Date of publication: September 2013

Restauratorenblätter 30
20th/21st century art and its conservation

Authors: Gerda Kaltenbruner, Andreas Spiegl, Matthijs de Keijzer, Martina Griesser-Stermscheg, Johanna Wilk, Judith Kern, Edgar Skomorowsky, Stefanie Jahn, Gabriela Krist, Alexandra Sagmeister, Peter Berzobohaty, Karma Eder-Hoke, Paul-Bernhard Eipper, Anna Buelacher, Sabine Imp, Karin Steiner, Anne Biber, Andreas Hartl,  Magdalena Duftner, Elisabeth Brandt, Matthias Müller, Andreas Weisser, Ute Kannengiesser, Martina Haidvogl
2012, 230 S., numerous b/w and colour  plates.

Previous issues: special discounts for members only
We are offering reduced rates on previous issues, for IIC Austria members only - as long as stocks last: individual prices are reduced by 50-70%.
Orders per email to: (can be collected personally or by postal delivery plus handling charges)

Nr. 27: Historic textiles: conservation, storage, exhibition
Training – history of conservation – documentation of ancient textile finds, Coptic shoes, a pre-Columbian shirt, a textile mural, a knitted jacked, hats, an Ottoman’s dent, a ceremonial bed, tapestries, Chinese silks, Lilienthalgeiter, textiles at the Viennese Treasure Chamber, the MAK and the Monastery of Admont: exhibition and storage
2008, 188 p., 140 b/w+coloured figures € 10.-

26th medieval sculptures II
Minute samples, conservation courses, postmodern conservation theory and practice, painting and relief primary supports, under cover details, aids and documentation, surface cleaning, traces of time aging, Medieval sculptures: 6 case studies, current news, personalia, bibliography etc.
2006, 184 p. 120 b/w + colour figures, Euro 10,-

24th -25th Large scale paintings on textile supports
Pigments in Austria, primary sources for primer, lining techniques, Tingierung reactivation, evaluation, minimum intervention, lining, removing linings, marouflage, case studies etc.
2005, 264 p., 180 figures, Euro 12,-

21. Mirabilia et Curiosa
Ivory and parchment miniatures, early medieval (gothic) ivory reliefs, anatomic wax models, pastiglia, Scagliola pictures, glass etching, tiled oven, stone etching, Lederantependien, cloister works, iron cutting, recent reports and bibliography
2000, 192 p., 160 b/w + colour figures, Euro 10,-

16. Murals – painted façades
Project EUROCARE 492 Mural paint: façades in Florence and Prague causes of damage, protection systems, climate controls, ammonia carbonate and oxalate, biocide – and UV-C ray defence. six case studies
1996, 199 p. C. 180 b/w + colour figures, Euro 8,-

14. Paper and prints
The Strasbourg manuscript, brown inks, archival hygiene, mass damages, bleaching, self adhesive tapes, conservation of photographs, silverpoint drawing, baroque maps, copper engraving on silk, mezzotint grand format, Chinese wallpapers at Schoenbrunn castle, cartapesta, transparent paper picture (pith paper?), forged drawings
1994, 191 p., c. 170 b/w+ colour figures, Euro 8,-

13. Paintings and textiles
Theophilus „De Diversis Artibus“, historic primary sources „dye and dye stuff, gold threads, textile primary supports, analysing the structure of canvases, heat sensitivity of paint layers, lent cloths, mariatheresian Kasel, paintings on tapestries, the Holy Sepulchre of Patsch, panorama-paintings in Salzburg and Innsbruck, stage curtain, straw picture, mural Fortress Karlstein near Prague
1992, 162 p. C. 80 b/w + colour figures, Euro 8,-

12. Textile objects
Textile Conservation Training at the Fachhochschule Cologne, textiles at the Volkskundemuseum, Vienna, ethnographic (textile) objects, archaeological finds, Romanic (early medieval) ceremonial dresses of the Monastery of St. Paul/Lavantal, gothic (medieval) Kasel from Friesach, caring for tapestries at the Kunsthistorische Museum, Vienna, Adalbero-Gobelin of the Lambach-Monastery etc.
1991, 120 p, c. 70 b/w + colour tables, Euro 8,-

8. BA and MA Dissertation, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
The parish of St. Othmar, Moedling, the design of the sencutrary at the Groedental, early technical wire production, Prof. Hajsineks’s conservation technique, ivory miniatures, synthetic resin for the conservation of ceramics, cleaning of discoloured glass surfaces, ethnographic conservation
1985/6, 178 p., 70 b/w + coloured figures, Euro 8,-

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